For the little ones of today and the adults of tomorrow, let’s preserve our island, let’s reinvent the wheel!
In Réunion, the car plays a prominent role in the movements of its inhabitants. Tyres quickly became a serious environmental problem.
This is why SOLYVAL came into being in 2004, the first company in the Indian Ocean area to recover and recycle used tyres.
For 15 years now, SOLYVAL has been the top company established in Réunion in the recovery and recycling of used tyres. More than 6,000 tonnes of used tyres are transformed each year.
To absorb more than 50% of the recycled aggregate deposit and transform it into moulded products for the local and regional market within 3 years.
Our strenghts

100% local manufacturing using Réunion Island raw materials

Raw material from the region’s tyre recycling industry

Products standardised and certified by European laboratories
“We don’t inherit the land from our parents,
we borrow it from our children.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Our objectives
- To develop the circular economy in Réunion through the recycling of waste tyres.
- To create value, export and perpetuate the recycling industry.
- To be an example for other micro-regions and island territories.
- To market materials that re-enter the production cycle while respecting the law and the environment.
- To reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the impact of transport on the sector.
SOLYNVEST is a family group founded in 1986, originally specialising in trading, it is now made up of 3 main areas: trading, digital and Green.
Group leader, Johnny LAW-YEN, is very involved in regional bodies, particularly in the context of economic, environmental and social development. He very quickly led the group to develop around activities related to the circular economy, ecology and energy transition.
This hub generates local employment, and now has a unit for reprocessing metals and another for creating solar energy. It also encompasses SOLYVAL, which recycles tyres from Réunion, used since 2019 as a raw material in the manufacture of finished products under the SOLYGOM brand. Other green projects should see the light of day very soon…

AVPUR prévoit le recyclage du vieux pneu dès la vente du pneu neuf !
Créée en 2003, l’Association pour la Valorisation des Pneumatiques Usagés de la Réunion (AVPUR), regroupe la plupart des importateurs de pneumatiques et a pour objet la collecte et valorisation des déchets de pneumatiques.
La loi* impose aux importateurs et distributeurs de pneus, de recycler leurs vieux pneus et de les déclarer chaque année à l’ADEME.
« Il est interdit d’abandonner, de déposer dans le milieu naturel ou de brûler à l’air libre les pneumatiques. (…)
Les contrevenants aux règles d’élimination des déchets encourent une peine de deux ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d’amende**
Le non-respect des obligations de déclaration est passible de sanctions administratives dont le montant peut être fixé en fonction des unités importées, soit par unité un maximum de 7 500 € pour une personne morale.***
En recyclant ses vieux pneus, AVPUR participe à la lutte contre la prolifération des moustiques et maladies liées. Notre filière favorise une économie locale et circulaire.
*CODE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT (CDE), Livre V, Titre IV, Chapitre III, Section 8 : « Déchets de pneumatiques », **Article L.541-46 du CDE, ***Article L.541-10-III du CDE
Thanks to our partners